Build Your House In Nigeria With Bullionrise


How long does it take to build a house in Nigeria?

Bullion Rise Consult, is your go-to blog for everything about real estate,

interior designs and building construction in Nigeria.

This blog post looks into a question that many prospective homeowners ask:

“How long does it take to build a house in Nigeria?”

This is an important topic, especially if you’re planning to build your dream home.

Building a house is a huge milestone.

It’s an exciting journey, but it also comes with its fair share of challenges.

The timeline for building a house in Nigeria can differ, typically ranging from 6 months to 2 years.

Let’s break down the process step by step so you know what to expect.


The first step in building a house is planning and designing.

This stage usually takes about 1 to 3 months.

Land Acquisition (1-2 Months)

First, you need to acquire land (i.e. if you don’t already have one).

This means finding the right location, checking land titles, and completing the purchase.

Sometimes, this can take a bit longer if there are legal issues or disputes over the land.

architectural plan - How long does it take to build a house in Nigeria? - bullionrise consult

Architectural Design and Approval (1-2 Months)

Once you have the land, you need to design your house.

An architect will create the building plans, which must follow local building codes.

After that, you need to get these plans approved by the relevant authorities.

This whole process can take a couple of months.

READ – How much does a building plan cost in Nigeria?


Next, we move to the pre-construction stage, which typically takes another 1 to 2 months.

Site Clearing and Preparation (1-2 Weeks)

Before you start building, you need to prepare the site.

This involves clearing vegetation, removing debris, and leveling the ground.

It usually takes about one to two weeks.

Securing Permits and Approvals (1 Month)

You also need to secure various permits and approvals from local authorities.

This can be a lengthy process, especially in cities with strict regulations.

It usually takes about a month.

ALSO READ – How do I Obtain Building Permits in Nigeria?

building materials - How long does it take to build a house in Nigeria? - bullionrise consult

Sourcing Materials and Hiring Labor (2-4 Weeks)

Finally, before construction begins, you need to buy materials and hire workers.

This part depends on how quickly you can get the materials and find skilled labor.

It typically takes two to four weeks.

READ – Stages of Building a House in Nigeria – Step by Step


Now, let’s talk about the actual construction, which takes about 6 to 12 months.

foundation - How long does it take to build a house in Nigeria? - bullionrise consult

Foundation (1-2 Months)

The first step in construction is laying the foundation.

This involves excavating the site and pouring the foundation.

The type of foundation and soil conditions can affect how long this takes, but it’s usually around 1 to 2 months.

READ – What are the 4 Types of Building Foundations in Nigeria?

Structural Framework (2-3 Months)

Next, we build the structural framework. This includes walls, columns, and the roof structure.

It requires a lot of materials and labor, taking about 2 to 3 months.

Roofing (1-2 Months)

After the framework is up, it’s time to work on the roof.

This involves building the roof frame and covering it with materials like tiles or sheets.

Depending on the materials and weather, this takes 1 to 2 months.

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Exterior and Interior Finishing (2-4 Months)

Finishing the house involves plastering walls, installing doors and

windows, painting, and completing electrical and plumbing work.

This is a labor-intensive stage and can take 2 to 4 months, depending on the quality of finishes you want.


Once construction is done, we move to the post-construction stage,

which takes another 1 to 3 months.

Landscaping and External Works (1-2 Months)

This involves planting trees, laying lawns, and constructing driveways.

It enhances the look of your property and usually takes about 1 to 2 months.

Final Inspections and Approvals (2-4 Weeks)

Before you can move in, the house must pass final inspections to ensure it meets all regulations.

Getting the necessary approvals usually takes 2 to 4 weeks.

furnishing - How long does it take to build a house in Nigeria? - bullionrise consult

Furnishing and Move-In (1-2 Months)

Finally, you need to furnish the house and move in.

This involves buying furniture, setting up appliances, and arranging everything.

This final stage typically takes 1 to 2 months.


Several factors can affect how long it takes to build your house.

#1. Location

In urban areas, the process might take longer due to stricter regulations and

higher demand for construction services.

Rural areas might have shorter timelines but could face challenges like material availability.

#2. Weather Conditions

Weather plays a big role in construction.

The rainy season can cause delays due to flooding and poor working conditions.

On the other hand, the dry season offers better conditions for building.

#3. Type of House

The complexity and size of the house also affect the timeline.

Simple designs with basic amenities take less time, while elaborate designs with advanced features take longer.

#4. Availability of Materials

Having materials available on time is crucial.

Delays in material supply can significantly extend the construction period.

#5. Skilled Labor

The availability of skilled labor impacts the speed and quality of construction.

Hiring experienced professionals can speed up the process, while a lack of skilled workers can cause delays.

Building a house in Nigeria is a process that takes time and careful planning.

On average, it takes between 6 months to 2 years to complete a house.

Proper planning, efficient project management, and the use of modern construction

techniques can significantly reduce the construction time.

Thanks for sticking with us through this detailed post of building a house in Nigeria.

If you have any questions or need further advice, feel free to leave a comment or reach out to us.

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